Have I talked about how much I love Rachel Hollis on this blog yet?
I think I have. Actually, I'm like 99.5% sure that I have. My mom gave me her book, Girl, Wash Your Face, a few years ago and I have been obsessed with her ever since. She's hilarious, inspirational, and absolutely killing the game in every sense of the phrase.
I think one of my favorite things Rachel Hollis has come up with is the 'Start Today' journal. It's a journal that she sells on her website to try and help people achieve their goals. But she has listed in her podcast and on her Instagram the contents of the journal so that people can make their own and get started on their goals today. Get it? Start. Today.
Anyways, I love this journal and the idea behind it. Essentially, you write down five things that you're grateful for, and then ten things that you "made happen." Except...you haven't actually made them happen yet. The point of the journal is to write down things that you want to have made happen in the future, as if they've already happened. Some of my own examples, for reference, have been "I'm a NYT Bestselling author" and "I graduated law school." Things that I dream about happening in my life, but writing them down like I've already accomplished them.

And then the last line every day is "The dream I'm going to achieve first." And you take one of the dreams on your list and write it down.
Listing things that you're grateful for and then following them up with things that you dream about making happen is a great way to start the day every day. It helps me to start the day off on a positive note, and reminds me of both the blessings in my life and the things I want to strive towards. I would highly suggest starting a journal like this, and honestly? I would highly suggest following Rachel Hollis and looking at the things that she posts about being positive and productive!