Happy New Year!
2020 was definitely one for the history books, and here's to hoping that 2021 doesn't carry over 2020's knack for terrible surprises. I want to write down a few of my New Year's Resolutions and share them to hold myself accountable to my goals!
I am going to write 500 words a day at least, even through my last semester of college
I am going to finish editing Lost, the last book in the Three's Company trilogy
I am going to publish Lost in print and Kindle
I am going to begin writing The Terrible Trial of Kennedy Abrams, the sequel to Treadmill
I am going to finish writing The Terrible Trial of Kennedy Abrams
I am going to begin planning a new fantasy series that I've been wanting to get started on for a while
I am going to maintain a regular update schedule on Wattpad for the books I decide to post on there
I am going to maintain a regular blog post schedule on Shelf Awareness
I am going to drink a gallon of water a day
I am going to work out at least four times a week, and aim for five times a week
I am going to aim to build muscle and lose fat
I am going to put more effort into making healthy meals
I am going to work on snacking less, and eating more healthy snacks
I am going to get seven hours of sleep every night
I am going to have a more regular sleep schedule
I am going to be able to run a mile without stopping (this sounds stupid but is a big one for me--I constantly go back and forth with being able to run a mile straight and not being able to)
I am going to be able to do all three splits (right, left, center) by the end of 2021
These aren't a ton and aren't huge goals, but I'm so excited to work on them throughout the course of 2021! I think it's so important to have goals and to work on bettering ourselves throughout the year, not just at the beginning! But I think that New Year's is a great time to remind ourselves of our goals. Hopefully this little list gave you an idea or two of some goals for yourself!