Nova Desai is one of the two main characters in Restricted, which will be available for purchase on June 1, 2020. She's the new girl in school, as she, her mother, and her younger sister moved in with Nova's cousin, Felix, and his family at the beginning of her senior year of high school--coming to West Virginia all the way from California.
Nova has always erred more on the shy side, but she finds herself immediately becoming friends with the most well-known girls in her school; Jessica, the Queen Bee, is assigned to be Nova's guide around the school for the first few days, and the girls become quick friends. And thus, Nova is thrown into the depths of Capital High's drama...which includes one of the star basketball players and his slightly possessive girlfriend.
The Basics:
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Green
Mother: Brittany Brannon
Father: Joseph Desai; not a part of her life
Siblings: Natalie Desai, 12 years old
Extended Family: Bart Brannon, uncle; Ashley Brannon, aunt; Felix, Lindsey, Paul, and Greta Brannon, cousins